应爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室邀请,德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学Rolf Prummer教授来我校进行学术访问。并从6月13日开始,在爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室进行了为期2周的系列授课。课程主题为《冲击波物理与应用》,授课对象主要是相关专业的研究生和青年教师。Prummer教授在爆炸加工领域有着40多年的丰富经验,在授课过程中,深入浅出地介绍了爆炸化学和冲击波基础知识、冲击相变、爆炸焊接、爆炸压实、马赫效应等方面的知识,并结合丰富实例讲述了爆炸冲击波在爆炸合成新材料等领域的应用。课程激发了听课学员的浓厚兴趣,在授课课堂中及课后对相关的问题提问,并就与自己课题相关领域展开讨论,Prummer教授也给予了解答和建议。
Rolf Prümmer教授简介:
Rolf Prümmer was born in 1937 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. He received a degree in Physics from the University of Stuttgart and began his dissertation at the Max Planck Institute of Stuttgart in 1964 which was completed in 1967 at the University of Karlsruhe, where he also completed his “Habilitationsschrift”, entitled “Explosive Compaction of Powdered Substances” in 1985, published in a book of the same title in 1987 by Springer Verlag. Professor Prümmer has been associated with several Fraunhofer Institutes. He has lectured at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, in Novosibirsk, Russia, Inner Mongolia; and is now a professor at the University of Karlsruhe. He has published more than 150 papers and has developed more than 20 patents. The patent-related work has involved explosive welding, forming, cutting, hardening as well as extensive research dealing with explosive compaction of powders. Professor Prümmer has traveled and lectured extensively, and has interacted with colleagues world-wide.