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以色列理工学院D. Rittel教授应邀进行学术交流

关闭窗口 作者:GUO BaoQiao 发布时间:2013-05-16

        5月11日,应陈鹏万教授邀请,以色列理工学院(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)D. Rittel教授来到北京理工大学进行了访问和学术交流,为师生做了题为“Is Adiabatic Shear Failure Really Adiabatic?”的精彩学术报告。


在报告中,D. Rittel教授介绍了温度和微观结构对材料的动态剪切演化的实验研究结果,并在此基础上提出了新的力学本构模型来描述这种演化。D. Rittel教授的研究团队对绝热剪切带(ASB)的形成提出了新观点,认为冷加工储存的能量是剪切带形成的关键因素。报告内容详实,观点新颖,引起了在场师生关注和浓厚兴趣。与会师生就材料剪切的相关理论、实验测量等方面的问题与D. Rittel教授进行了热烈的交流与讨论。

Prof. D. Rittel's short bio:

D. Rittel holds a PhD in Materials Science (1988) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He spent 2 years as a postdoc at Yale University working on the fracture of tungsten base heavy alloys, followed by 3.5 years at Ecole Polytechnique (France), working on experimental dynamic fracture mechanics. He joined Technion (Mechanical Engineering) in 1994 where he founded the Dynamic Fracture Laboratory. As of today, D. Rittel holds the Zandman Chair in Experimental Mechanics, heads the Materials Mechanics Center. He is also the Deputy Senior Vice President (Vice Provost) of Technion. D. Rittel was the Clark B. Millikan Visiting Professor in Aeronautics (2007) at Caltech and incumbent of a Catedra de Excellencia at UC3M (Madrid) in 2012. Throughout the years, D. Rittel has developed expertise in the many aspects of dynamic failure, including fracture mechanics, constitutive behavior, dynamic failure mechanisms and numerical modeling. D. Rittel is also active in the field of Structural Health Monitoring. He is a Fellow of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM). D. Rittel’s interest is in the thermomechanics and physics of dynamic failure with regard to dynamic fragmentation, fracture, adiabatic shear banding and hysteretic heating. As of today, he has co-authored about 115 journal publications. Dr. Rittel is also Associate Editor of Experimental Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials and the International Journal of Engineering Science.